
Average score 110 Reviews
Mykola Lukash noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The food was excellent, you order 6 dishes and a 10-minute break, and then you eat as much as you like, you pay for drinks and desserts at a separate price (Original) Їжа була чудова замовляєш 6 страв і 10 хвилин пауза а потом ще і їж скільки влізе платиш рас напитки і десерти окрема ціна

6 months ago
Danyfra Danyfra noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Better (Original) Migliori

6 months ago
roberto carboni noted on Google

(Translated by Google) We often go here to eat. Always very fresh and very good products. Advised (Original) Andiamo spesso qui a mangiare. Prodotti sempre freschissimi e molto buoni. Consigliato

6 months ago
morberte (Morberte) noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Elegant venue, quick service, friendly and courteous staff. The dishes are good. A questionable limit is that you cannot order more than 6 dishes per person in one go. However, you need to wait 10 minutes to access a subsequent booking. (Original) Locale elegante, servizio rapido, personale gentile e cortese. Le pietanze sono buone. Un limite discutibile è quello di non poter ordinare più di 6 pietanze a persona in 1 volta sola. Occorre attendere però 10 minuti per poter accedere ad una successiva prenotazione.

6 months ago
Tania Rahelu noted on Google

6 months ago
morberte (Morberte) noted on Google

6 months ago
Marileda Camoni noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent lunch break, pleasant and clean environment (Original) Ottima pausa pranzo, ambiente gradevole e pulito

6 months ago
Matteo Rocchi noted on Google

6 months ago
Martin Xhepa noted on Google

7 months ago
Stefania Albanesi noted on Google

7 months ago

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